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Find answers to all your questions

How do I register for an event?

First, you must sign in or create an account. Once signed in, you’ll be able to register using your email.

Do I have to be signed in and registered to watch an event?

Yes, to watch an event live or on demand, you need to be signed in and registered first.

How can I get on the mailing list for upcoming events?

When you register for an event, select ‘yes’ to get signed up to receive news, product updates, sales outreach, event information and special offers about Chrome Enterprise from Google and its Partners.

I can’t make an upcoming event. Will it be available to watch later?

Yes, all our events will be available for on demand replay after the livestream.

How do I add a reminder for the event to my calendar?

Just tap on the event date and the calendar invite will automatically generate if you have a Google account, or an ‘Add to Calendar’ button will appear.

What time zone will events be livestreamed from?

The time you see listed on the registration page is the time the event will be livestreamed.

I have additional questions after watching an event. Who do I contact?

For additional questions, contact chromeonair@google.com and include the name of the event you are inquiring about.

How do I ask a question for the live Q&A?

Below the video, you’ll see the ‘ask a question’ button appear once the livestream begins. If you don’t see that option, then live Q&A is not available for that event.

Will Q&A be available after the live event?

Live Q&A is available only during the livestream. Questions and responses will be archived and viewable on the watch page after the event.

Who is answering my questions?

The Google Chrome Enterprise team will be answering your questions during any live Q&A.

Will the public see my name and information when I ask a question?

Your name and photo associated with the account you signed in with will be visible when you ask a question. However, no other personal information will be shared.

The video is blurry.

Try updating the quality settings on the Youtube controls near the bottom right of the video player window.

I can see the video but can't hear any sound.

Check the bottom left hand corner of the YouTube video to see if the audio is muted. YouTube remembers the last setting for your volume when you previously watched a Youtube video.

I can hear the sound but do not see the video OR I can't see the video.

Try refreshing or reloading the page. If you have too many other applications or video windows open, try closing them. If the issue persists, open up YouTube on another browser and check if you can view other YouTube videos. If you are not able to view other Youtube videos, this means there may be some issues with watching Youtube videos on your machine. If you are able to view other Youtube videos, this may mean that your machine is not able to watch videos that are livestreamed.

I’m having trouble watching the livestream. What can I do to troubleshoot?

Troubleshooting using these three steps: (1) Watch on Chrome browser (2) Make sure you have the latest version of Chrome (3) Clear your cache

I am having other technical issues. Who do I contact?

If the above tips don’t help, please contact chromeonair@google.com

Sign in or create account

To register for events.


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User account conflict

Sorry, the user account you are using is now linked to Google. Please sign in with Google to use this account.


Sorry, you do not have permission to access this private event.

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Error authenticating user

There was an error during authentication. Please refresh to try again. If this issue persists, please sign out and sign back in after reloading.

You're currently offline

Refresh the page when your connection is restored to return to the app.